[Avodah] Fitbit on Shabbos
Rich, Joel via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 7 05:55:26 PDT 2016
> Yes indeedy. Which brings us back to a topic from a few months ago,
> where we asked whether a posek learns the sources and reaches his
> conclusion, or whether he paskens from what his own Da'as Torah leads
> him to believe and then checks it with the sources. In the current case,
> I would suggest that because electricity is a new thing (apologies to
> Koheles), the poskim have had no choice but to go by their feelings.
> And if so, the same would apply to this particular application of Meleches
> Elektri: Each posek will decide for himself whether (on Shabbos) we need
> to avoid Fitbits and security cameras and other devices that we know are
> working, but appear to be as inert as a rock. And if those psakim are
> issued with little or no explanation beyond "it's obvious!", I really
> can't complain.
> Akiva Miller
Pretty much what R' Asher Weiss says un putting electricity in the maakeh
bpatish category defined as things that chazal didn't fit in other
categories. However I think he would say gdolei haposkim will come to
a consensus, not "each for himself" on major categories.
Joel Rich
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