[Avodah] Fitbit on Shabbos

Ben Waxman via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Apr 3 13:20:26 PDT 2016

This could be different because even if you walk on grass there is no 
guarantee that you're going to kill anything. Whereas in today's digital 
world, you walk in various cities, you're going to activate some 
circuits somewhere.


On 4/3/2016 6:33 AM, via Avodah wrote:
> I don't know if this is the same kind of thing or not, but it's always 
> been mutar to walk around outside on Shabbos without worrying that you 
> might be stepping on ants or other small bugs that you didn't notice 
> and didn't mean to kill.

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