[Avodah] Black on black tefillin retzuos

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Apr 3 01:41:21 PDT 2016

I realise that I was a bit terse in my original question so I would like to
expand on the halachic questions. After talking to 2 expert sofrim the
story is as follows. There are 2 halachic problems with black on white
(traditional retzuos):
1. Since the black is just painted on, the paint peels off leaving a part
(even small) of the retzua that is not black. The MB is machmir that this
will pasul the retzua
2. The KSA has a chumra that the sides of the retzuos should be black as

The black on black retzuos dress these 2 halachic issues. The way they are
made is that the whole retzua is soaked in black paint/dye for a long time
and the dye is absorbed deeply into the leather. Then optionally an
additional coat of glossy black is applied to 1 side.This addresses the
above 2 issues.
1. Since the retzua is soaked in dye and it is deeply absorbed it doesn't
peel off or crack, it stays black
2. The sides are black as well.

The only objection that I heard was this is a chidush,  this is not the
traditional way of making retzuos and if this was a good idea why didn't
the gedolim of yesteryear come up with it. Additionally, none of the
gedolim today use black on black retzuos
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