[Avodah] Boaz's nisayon with Ruth

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sat Jun 18 20:17:57 PDT 2016

On 06/18/2016 05:01 PM, Ben Waxman via Avodah wrote:
> On 6/17/2016 3:57 PM, Zev Sero wrote:
>>> Number 1 he also brings Yehuda and Tamar when referring to the same gezira.
>> Yes.  So what?  What do you think that proves?
> That the discussion is about sexual relations and not merely sleeping
> in the same bed. Having stated that Yehuda and Tamar didn't violate
> any prohibition because there wasn't a gezira makes any discussion
> about sleeping in the same bed to be uber-unnecessary.

Sorry, you're contradicting the very Taz you're invoking.   He says
*explicitly* that the issue he's discussing is being in the same bed, not
anything else.  Because as we all know it's forbidden for a man to be in
the same bed as a niddah, even if they don't touch each other.  And *that*
is the question the Taz asks about Boaz and Ruth.  If she was a niddah
then how could they be in the same bed?  And he answers that the gezera
had not yet been made, so she wasn't a niddah.   The same answer explains
how Yehuda and Tamar could have sex; the gezera that would make her a niddah
hadn't yet been enacted.    The Taz in no way implies that Boaz and Ruth
did more than be in the same bed, and it's impossible to read anything
more into it.

Zev Sero               Meaningless combinations of words do not acquire
zev at sero.name          meaning merely by appending them to the two other
                        words `God can'.  Nonsense remains nonsense, even
                        when we talk it about God.   -- C S Lewis

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