[Avodah] Fitbit on Shabbos

Isaac Balbin via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 7 05:14:33 PDT 2016

A study of Dayan Usher Weiss on LED lights in his Tshuvos will reveal
his Shita that such things are likely to be considered an issur under the
rubric of Makeh B'patish. I didn't merit understanding all the halachic
logic but I feel he would apply it here as well.

We can be halachically exploitative and also include the view that your
walking on Shabbos should not be the same as Chol! I'm sure many of us
have seen the strange Shabbos walk avoiding large steps. Walking with
a Fitbit may possibly be construed as transgressing this possuk in Nach?

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