[Avodah] derabbanan

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Jun 10 07:30:15 PDT 2016

<<I recall hearing once that the halacha of "safek d'Oraisa l'chumra" is
d'rabanan. In other words, if one has a legitimate safek about whether he
did a d'Oraisa, then it is a smart idea and/or a rabbinic obligation to
resolve that safek, but he is not required by the Torah to do so. >>

The Rambam holds that safek deoratita lechumra is a rabbinic law while the
Rashba disagrees and says it is a torah law,

Some want to distinguish between different types of safek
1) safek in the :metziut"
2) safek in the din
3) machloket poskim

Eli Turkel
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