[Avodah] Understanding an Unfriendly Minhag: Not Eating

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue May 10 04:13:27 PDT 2016

R' Elazar Teitz wrote:
"I heard from an unimpeachable source that R. Chaim
Brisker visited the Chafetz Chaim on Pesach.  The CC did not offer so much
as a cup of tea to his guest, so as not to embarrass RCB by compelling him
to decline.."

On the other hand there is a famous story (printed in the Brisker Haggada
and in HaRav MiBrisk) about the Brisker Rav visiting R' Chaim Ozer on
Pesach in Vilna in 1941. The Brisker Rav thought that the sugar in Vilna
had Kitniyos mixed in and therefore did not use it on Pesach. However, when
the Brisker Rav visited R' Chaim Ozer on Pesach, R' Chaim Ozer served him
tea with sugar which the Brisker Rav accepted and drank. Afterwards,
someone (his son?) asked him why did he drink the tea with the sugar if
there was a chashash of kitniyos in the sugar? He answered that not eating
kitniyos is a minhag but being mevaze a talmid chacham is an issur
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