[Avodah] Tzedukim
Micha Berger via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu May 5 09:39:41 PDT 2016
H/T Mosaic Magazine
See <http://www.bibleodyssey.org/people/related-articles/sadducees.aspx>:
Bible Odyssey
Who Were the Sadducees?
by Michael L. Satlow
The Sadducees' origins are uncertain. A few sources link them to the
Jerusalem priest, with some scholars suggesting that the Greek term
Sadducee is derived from the Hebrew Zadoq, the name of the high
priest at the time of King David (1Kings 1:39). Later sources also
link the Sadducees to the priesthood (for example, Acts 4:1).
However, the Sadducees first appear in the historical record not
as priests but as a political group. The Jewish historian Josephus
mentions them in the context of John Hyrcanus, the Hasmonean high
priest and ruler of Judah from 135-104 B.C.E. (Antiquities 13.10.5-6).
According to Josephus, a guest at a banquet for the Pharisees accused
Hyrcanus of being a [mamzer], unfit for the high priesthood. In the
uproar that ensued, a Sadducee convinced Hyrcanus to abandon the
Pharisees for the Sadducees.
Whether true or not, this story might point to the Sadducees'
origin as a political party allied with the Hasmoneans. Josephus
tantalizingly mentions that the Sadducees ascribe authority to
Scripture, not to the ancestral traditions handed down by the
I think it takes a Xian with their "Render of Caesar" that eventually led
to Separation of Church and State to assume that politics vs religion i
a dichotomy.
Also, what kind of news is in that the Chashmonaim were in league with
the Tzeduqim? Regardless of Josephus's story, why wouldn'tthe family
that held the power of both Kohein Gadol and Melekh want to deprecate
any form of Judaism that would make them share power with the rabbinate?
Can the more historically informed please comment if this post is a
non-story (which finding it in Mosaic Magazine led me to doubt) or
what the chiddush is here?
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger Today is the 12th day, which is
micha at aishdas.org 1 week and 5 days in/toward the omer.
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