[Avodah] Ta'am kitniyos

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 14 18:51:04 PDT 2016

Mishne Berurah 453:7 writes that if a choleh - even a choleh she'AYN bo
sakanah - needs kitniyos on Pesach, one may cook it for him. I was struck
by how casually he said this (even opening with the remark that this
halacha is "pashut - simple"), yet he said nothing about the keilim

I will concede that this was a literally parenthetical (or rather,
bracketed) comment, and perhaps we should not darshen too much into it. But
on the other hand, he had the option of saying that a choleh may *eat*
kitnyos himself, and insted he took the extra step of saying that *we* may
do the cooking. And yet, the Chofetz Chaim omitted the warning which is so
ubiquitous today, that the cooking should be done in separate pots, not to
be eaten from by healthy Ashkenazim.

So here is my question: Where, and from whom, do we first hear that
Ashkenazim don't only avoid eating kitniyos be'en, but that we even avoid
ingesting *ta'am* kitniyos.

(Plenty of poskim talk about ta'aroves kitniyos, but that's usually an
after-the-fact situation, and I don't want to get bogged down on whether or
not the situations are similar. I'd rather hear about those who explicitly
address the keilim issue.)

Akiva Miller
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