[Avodah] Buffalo Burgers and the Zebu Controversy

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 7 12:25:09 PDT 2016

Last Shabbos we read Parshas Shmini, best known for discussing and 
specifying the requirements for discerning which animals are 
considered kosher. But what is a buffalo considered? Can we partake 
of a nice juicy buffalo burger? Although the Shulchan Aruch himself 
rules that a buffalo is considered a kosher beheimah, it is quite 
certain that he was not referring to our American buffalo, which, 
actually a bison, was unknown at the time...

To find out more, read the full article 
Into Halacha: Buffalo Burgers and the Zebu Controversy".
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kol tuv and Good Shabbos,
Y. Spitz
<mailto:yspitz at ohr.edu>yspitz at ohr.edu

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