[Avodah] The Arba Parshiyos

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Apr 6 13:26:39 PDT 2016

On Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 12:28:26AM +0300, Shui Haber via Avodah wrote:
: http://shuihaber.com/2016/03/31/the-arba-parshiyos/
: Rav Sperber explains that on the 5th Shabbos, they would then go back
: to where they had left off. This seems to be the literal meaning of the
: mishna that says: "on the fifth Shabbos, we resume reading like usual."

As we do it today, there are also gaps between the parshios. Between
Sheqalim and Zakhos is inevitable, as one is at the latest 1 Adar, and the
other is the Shabbos of the 14th. Between Parah and haChodesh is also

The mishnah seems to imply otherwise.

: This would be in accordance with the minhag of Eretz Yisrael to keep a
: 3-year cycle. I suspect that the minhag changed to the standard one year
: cycle with the Aliyah of the Baalei Tosafos and their influence on the
: Community in Eretz Yisroel.

Qeri'as haTorah and (to pick up a topic from later) piyut are two of
the stronger pieces of evidence utilized by those who believe that
Ashkenazi practice shows the effects of a grater influx of Jews from
EY than among Sepharadim.

The question is when did Ashkenaz itself switch. It must have been
centuries before the time in discussion in any case. Machzor Vitri
(R' Simchah miVitrie -- a talmid of Rashi and the Ri's grandfather)
discusss leiniing Bereishis on the 2nd day of Sheini Atzeres, the terms
for Chasan Torah and Chasan Bereishis, and even the reshus for each. But
it would be ironic if Ashkenaz became the bastion of Babylonian lening,
spreading it to EY. I guess it's true: there is no one so vehement as
the newly converted. <grin>

: Lastly, there is an old minhag to say Yotzros and Krovos during the
: Shabbos morning Tefilla...
: This minhag became popular amongst the Chassidim...

But I think most loyally maintained bvy Yekkes, due to the aforementioned
ancient Ashkenazi attitude toward piut in general.

: The Rema comments that the R'i, Rashba and the Tur all hold that there
: is no issue with interrupting your regular tefilla for this, but if you
: do not say the Yotzros it is still fine...

(Note: change fn 10 to "OC 68:1".)

The Rama takes it for granted that the minyan is saying them, "vekhein
nohagin bekhol hameqomos le'amram". So even though he hold "vehameiqil
ve'eino omeram lo hifsid" -- as long as you're with the tzibbur and not
even learning during the piyut -- I am not sure he is actually advocating
for skipping it.

Ad RSH put it "it is still fine". I just wanted to point out that he
would NOT permit what I myself do -- use the time to learn. "Ein le'adam
lifrosh atzmo meihatzibur". He repeated this in 90:10, where he advocates
saying the piyutim with the tzibbur. "Velo yifrosh min hatzibur afilu
la'asoq bedivrei Torah".

: The Minhag of the Chasam Sofer was not to recite the piyutim during
: davening, rather he would sing them during the Shabbos or YomTov
: seudah. The Mesora is that the Chasam Sofer learnt this from his rebbe
: the Baal Hafla'ah who learnt it form the Mezritcher Maggid who learnt
: it from the Baal Shem Tov...

Whatever happened to the CS's "chadash assur min haTorah"?

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Feeling grateful  to or appreciative of  someone
micha at aishdas.org        or something in your life actually attracts more
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