[Avodah] Moshiach Ben Yosef

Arie Folger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Mar 14 14:06:34 PDT 2016

R' Isaac Balbin wrote:
> Interestingly, the Gemora in Sanhedrin 92a says
> Three come when we are unaware (not focussed on them) The
> Moshiach, a found article (Yiush) and a Scorpion.
> How that Gemora fits into the Rambam's Ikkarim is very
> interesting, and I think it can if we follow Rav Y.H. Henkin's
> Tshuva in Bnei Bonim 3 Ma'amar 3, it is understood. He
> doesn't contend that we believe is that he will come every
> day, but rather that every day we believe he can come. A
> subtle but significant difference which he backs up.

I wonder, must we believe that mashiach can appear any minute? Since ani
verokhev 'al hachamor is be'ito, doesn't it rather follow that when
mashiach will come, it will be a slower process?

Doesn't the iqar of the Rambam (at least in the popular version) rather
read "I believe with complete faith he will come and I will wait every
day," meaning, waiting for the signs so we can join the wave, gather around
the mashiach as he becomes identified, but not that it is necessarily a
sudden process?

To begin the process, however, the candidate must first become a famous
person and engage in royal activities (not of the vanity of Rennaissance
European monarchs, I mean the real job of shoring up support, defending the
weak and downtrodden, protecting the oppressed, and generally gather
support necessary for establishing and / or being granted sovereignty.

Arie Folger,
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* Kennt die Existenz nur den Chaos? G”ttliches Vorsehen im Jüdischen
Gedankengut (Podcast)

* Halacha zum Wochenabschnitt: Baruch Hu uWaruch Schemo

* Is there Order to the World? Providence in Jewish Thought

* What is Modern Orthodoxy (from a radio segment)
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