[Avodah] Haftara of Pekudei

Arie Folger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Mar 8 04:04:10 PST 2016

R'David Cohen asked:
> I'm interested in learning whether there are any Ashkenazi communities in
> chutz la'aretz, besides those "descended" from Frankfurt (such as KAJ),
> that will be reading the haftara "Vaya'as Chirom" (Melachim I 7:40) this
> Shabbos (as per the Maharash, Maharil and Eliya Rabba) rather than
> "Vatishlam kol hamelacha" (Melachim 1 7:51).
> R' Arie Folger, do you know what will they be reading in Basel?  Munich?
> Vienna?

Munich follows Frankfurt. Basel not always, but in this case the agree.
Which means Strasbourg will also read the same, as Basel and Strasbourg are
both Minhag Alsace. For Vienna I don't know yet. Ask me next time it comes

Kol tuv,

Arie Folger,
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* Kennt die Existenz nur den Chaos? G”ttliches Vorsehen im Jüdischen
Gedankengut (Podcast)

* Halacha zum Wochenabschnitt: Baruch Hu uWaruch Schemo

* Is there Order to the World? Providence in Jewish Thought

* What is Modern Orthodoxy (from a radio segment)
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