[Avodah] Moshiach Ben Yosef

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Mar 3 17:53:53 PST 2016

From: Isaac Balbin via Avodah  <avodah at lists.aishdas.org>

>> Moshiach Ben Yosef prepares the  ground for Moshiach Ben David. Once so
prepared, there is a potential  Moshiach Ben David at all times amongst
the living. Rav Kook held that Herzl  was Moshiach Ben Yosef, and that
it didn't need to even be a religious  person.<<

Is there anyone alive today who knows that he is from the tribe of Ephraim, 
 Menashe or Binyamin?  I assume that the way the shevatim will be restored  
to us is that Eliyahu Hanavi will come and tell each person what shevet 
he's  from, ben achar ben, and that at least some of us are from shevatim other 
than  Yehuda and Levi, unbeknownst to us.  So does Eliyahu Hanavi have to 
come  before Moshiach ben Yosef can come, so that people will actually know 
they're  from Yosef?  Or is it the case that Moshiach ben Yosef does not have 
to  know that he's from Yosef, and does not even have to know that he's  a 

--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com


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