[Avodah] What Do French Jews Do On Shabbath?

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Mar 3 08:17:52 PST 2016

On 03/03/2016 08:27 AM, Marty Bluke via Avodah wrote:
> I can understand using this kind of heter for a one time situation
> where you are visiting somewhere and have no choice. However, should
> we rely on this kind of heter weekly for a long term period?
> Can/should a person live in a place where every week he needs to rely
> on a heter amira leaqum b'makom mitzva to go to shut and get home?

In Northern Europe it was necessary all winter to rely on the heter
that just as amira lenochri is permitted for someone who is already
bedridden, it's also permitted to prevent one from becoming sick in
the first place.  Every winter shabbos they had nochrim doing melachos
de'oraisa in order to preserve their health.  Should that have meant
they were obligated to move to warmer climates?

Or consider the case of a sea journey where pikuach nefesh will require
one to do forbidden work.  One may not embark on such a journey in the
second half of the week (except, of course, when the journey itself is
pikuach nefesh), but on a Tuesday one may lechatchila board a ship,
knowing that this will mean breaking shabbos when it comes.

Zev Sero               All around myself I will wave the green willow
zev at sero.name          The myrtle and the palm and the citron for a week
                And if anyone should ask me the reason why I'm doing that
                I'll say "It's a Jewish thing; if you have a few minutes
                I'll explain it to you".

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