[Avodah] What Do French Jews Do On Shabbath?

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Feb 18 13:42:08 PST 2016

From: "Jay F. Shachter via Avodah"  <avodah at lists.aishdas.org>

>> I've had this question for a  year and a half, ever since I stopped
staying in hotel rooms and started  staying in rented apartments when I
go to Paris, to save  money.

...This street-facing door can be opened from the outside
only  electronically, by typing a code on a keypad, or with a proximity
sensor in  the newer residences.  ...From the inside, the building
door can usually  be opened mechanically, although in some of the newer
buildings there is no  way to open the building door mechanically from
the inside, you have to press  a button to open the door electronically
if you want to leave your  building.  ...The indoor lights, both in the 
and inside the residential building, cannot be left on; ... In  some cases
there is a motion detector ... that turns on the  lights.

So, what the devil do French Jews do on  Shabbath? ...

...As for
my trying to locate the mara d'athra from where I am, I  would if I
could....  <<

Jay F. ("Yaakov")  Shachter
_jay at m5.chicago.il.us_ (mailto:jay at m5.chicago.il.us) 

Since there are opinions (even if only a small minority) that are lenient  
about electricity on Shabbos, maybe you can be lenient about amira legoy 
with  regard to electricity, and arrange for a goy to open doors and press 
buttons for  you, if there is no other way to get in and out of the building.  
Give him  a tip after Shabbos. Alternatively you can stand around for however 
long it  takes and wait for someone else to go in (or out) and scoot in 
after him.
As for motion detectors, I was told that if you couldn't avoid the motion  
detector you could just go about your normal activities and ignore it.  It  
seems to me that even if you benefit by the light coming on, you are not 
doing  anything to make it happen and you are just walking around as you would 
even if  there were no light.  But again if it worries you, you can wait 
until  someone else walks in and then scoot in with him.  Be sure and rent an  
apartment in a large building with a lot of residents and servants coming  
and going -- and not too many Jews! :- )
To locate the mara d'asra, first locate a shul -- any shul -- and/or a  
kosher grocery store or bakery.  Or call Chabad -- in London or Belgium if  
Chabad in Paris is unlisted.  Sooner or later you'll find a rabbi, and I  don't 
believe he has to be "the" rabbi of the neighborhood where your apartment  
Hatzlacha rabba and have a good Shabbos or do they say "Bon Chabat" in  
--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com


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