[Avodah] Vayichad Yisro - Disparaging Non-Jews
via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Feb 5 07:34:59 PST 2016
From: Michael Orr via Avodah _michaelorr at rogers.com_
(mailto:michaelorr at rogers.com)
>>And if you are going to be loose enough to say a many-generation ger
is still a "ger", then you can say the same about descendants of gerim,
(that they are gerim). That is the Gra's interpretation, according to
Rav Steinsaltz' note as I read it, and WADR seems to me to be the only
reasonable way to understand it.<<
There is some discussion among the meforshim as to whether Yael the wife of
Chever Hakeni (she was the woman who killed the general Sisra in her tent)
was a giyores or a non-Jew. In either case she and her husband were
descendants of Yisro, but those who say she and her husband were gerim are using
the word "gerim" to include all the descendants of Yisro for generations,
as long as they were a separate recognizable group from the rest of Klal
Yisrael -- even though they were Jews.
--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com
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