[Avodah] Rav Shimon Schwab on Women Learning Torah

Sholom Simon via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Feb 2 13:17:38 PST 2016

>What is this based on?

I was going to ask the same question

>The Rambam makes no differentiation between male and female prophets 
>in Yesodei Hatorah, Chapter 7.

I didn't have a source, just (small) sevarah:  it seems that R Schwab 
is saying that "know H' in all of his ways" really means: "know H' in 
all of His ways, except if a way was given to men as a mitzvah."  I 
find that leap a bit difficult.  Is R Schwab saying that it is, by 
definition, impossible for a women to increase her emunah by learning 
gemara?  (Or that it's possible but assur?)  Or helps her appreciate 
Chazal or the entire halachic enterprise?

Further, how far does this go?  Didn't Tzena Urena include Medrash as 
well as aggadita from the gemara . . . how does R Schwab permit women 
learning that?  (I'm reluctant to ask that, because the ikkar of my 
thoughts are not this question, but the questions in the prior paragraph)

-- Sholom 

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