[Avodah] 2 maariv minyans due to the snowstorm

Akiva Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Jan 28 03:53:43 PST 2016

R' Joel Rich wrote:
> See biur Halacha on S”A O”C 235:1

Thanks! I had heard somewhere that it was the Gra who held this, but I
wasn't sure. The Biur Halacha refers to the Maaseh Rav, and now I see it
there, at number 65.

Unfortunately, as I anticipated, he does not give his reasoning. Does
anyone know how the Gra would hold in the morning case, where one must
choose between saying Shma on time, but Shmoneh Esreh during the fourth
hour, vs. all of shacharis before the end of the third hour?

Akiva Miller
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