[Avodah] tenets of the Faith

Lisa Liel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Feb 29 10:00:41 PST 2016

Frankly, I think anyone who says "I want to convert to Judaism but", 
regardless of what comes after the "but", should be shown the door.

Unfortunately, that's probably not the halakha.


On 2/29/2016 5:44 PM, saul newman via Avodah wrote:
> if someone comes to beis din  and  says 'i want to convert to judaism, 
> but do not  believe in sefirot, gilgulim, klipa etc  ie  kabbalistic 
> principles   ----  will  he  be accepted ,  or are those fundamental 
> dogma that makes one not a jew if one doesn't believe in them ?

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