[Avodah] Vayichad Yisro - Disparaging Non-Jews

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Feb 10 15:17:49 PST 2016

On 02/05/2016 06:20 AM, Micha Berger wrote:
> The Tur holds geirus is dominant, any one parent being a geir is enough
> to be a geir too, but I didn't see him mention any deadline.

> The SA that geirus is recessive, requires both parents being geirim.
> Along the way, note that the EhE 7:21 uses "ad kamah doros", which would
> seem to indicate lav davqa a literal 10.>

> (The SA is following the Rambam (IB 15) apparently, and the Ran (Qiddushin,
> Rif-daf 30b) takes issue with the Rambam.)

> Looking at the codes, I would conclude "10 doros" was taken as an idiom
> for "as long as pragmatically possible", perhaps a reference to Noach
> to Avraham.

I just looked at the Tur and he does not say this at all. On the
contrary, he says that unless all ancestors are gerim, one may *not*
marry a mamzer/es, and a girl *may* marry a Cohen.

However, unlike the Rambam and Shulchan Aruch, the Tur does rule that
this heter to marry mamzerim expires after literally 10 generations,
because of mar'is ho`ayin. This is the first mention I've ever seen in
any halachic source of 10 doros as a shiur for anything. The BY says
it's a machlokes in a braysa: the Tana Kama says 10 doros, but Yesh Omrim
that it's however long it takes for it to be forgotten that the family
are gerim. The Rosh paskens like the Tana Kama, the Rambam like the
Yesh Omrim; the Tur follows the Rosh, and the SA the Rambam.

Note however that everyone agrees that be'etzem the family remains gerim
forever, so long as no Yisrael married into the family, and if not for
mari'is ho`ayin they would be allowed to marry mamzerim forever.

The Ran, as you note, says it goes after the father, so a ger's son from a
Yisre'elis may marry a mamzer, but a Yisrael's son from a giyores may not.
And presumably this goes on forever, or as long as it's remembered that
the family are gerim.

On 02/10/2016 05:41 PM, Micha Berger wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 05:00:17PM -0500, Zev Sero wrote:
> :> As the Mehilta says, based on DhY I 2:55, Chamas was a Qeini, and
> :> thyerefore Yonadav was a descendent of Yisro. If her father and son
> :> were, she must have been.

> : What on earth does Yonadav have to do with Rachav?

> As I said, he is identified as Rachav's son.

No, he is not.   I think you are confusing Reikhav (with a khaf, and
a tzeireh under the reish) with Rachav (with a ches, and a kamatz
under the reish).   Reikhav was (1) a man; (2) descended from Yisro;
and (3) several centuries after Rachav.

Zev Sero
zev at sero.name

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