[Avodah] Using A Check For Matanos L’Evyonim

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Mar 22 13:16:46 PDT 2016

 From http://tinyurl.com/hj9c2xz

Using A Check For Matanos L'Evyonim

1. The mitzvah of Matanos L'Evyonim on Purim is to give at least one 
gift to two different poor people on Purim day. (S.A. 694:1)

2. There is a great discussion amongst the poskim as to the proper 
amount to give to each poor person. The Ritva writes that even a 
perutah (i.e., a minuscule amount of money) may be given to each of 
the two poor people in order to fulfill this mitzvah. However, others 
maintain that practically one should give enough money with which the 
poor person can purchase for himself a decent meal. (see Yismach 
Yisroel page 121 and Halichos Olam vol. 1 page 233) I have heard from 
Rabbanim that the amount of money that a poor person would need to 
purchase a bagel, coffee, and some other small side dish or two 
slices of pizza and a can of soda, definitely suffices for the 
minimum amount required to be given to each of the two poor people. 
For practical halacha, a rav should be consulted.

3. The poskim maintain that giving a check to a poor person fulfills 
the mitzvah of Matanos L'evyonim. (Rivevos Efraim 5:455:2 and 
Halichos Shlomo Purim page 342)

4. Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l explains that one can use a 
check even if the bank is not open on Purim. (Halichos Shlomo ibid.) 
This is also the view of Harav Yisroel Belsky zt"l (Piskei Harav 
Belsky page 124)

5. Harav Belsky zt"l (Piskei Harav Belsky ibid.) explains that the 
custom is not to give a post-dated check for the mitzvah of Matanos 
L'Evyonim. He then adds that some poskim opine that one should not 
give a check if he does not have sufficient funds to cover the check. 
However, if one will accrue the funds by the time the poor person 
cashes the check then it is permitted.
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