[Avodah] tenets of faith

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Mar 4 01:54:26 PST 2016

<<if someone comes to beis din  and  says 'i want to convert to judaism, but
do not  believe in sefirot, gilgulim, klipa etc  ie  kabbalistic principles
  ----  will  he  be accepted ,  or are those fundamental dogma that makes
one not a jew if one doesn't believe in them ? >>

I don't see any problem since many religious Jews would not acceot these
kabbalistic ideas.
I think a harder question would be someone who says he doesnt accept the
tenets of faith pointing to the book of Marc Shapiro of rishonim that
disagreed with each and everyone of the tenets. e.g. the convert says that
G-d has a body based in fact on kabbalistic texts.

Conversely what if the convert says he follows Rambam in areas in which the
Rambam is not accepted today in many circles.

Eli Turkel
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