[Avodah] Oberlander Ashkenaz Rebbe: Rav Yochanan Schreiber-Sofer of Erlau zt”l

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Feb 26 05:24:29 PST 2016

See http://tinyurl.com/gnp9tno

Note the second paragraph which states in part

" his kehillah faithfully kept the nusach hatefillah of the Chasam 
Sofer and Oberland, Nusach Ashkenaz. Even more so, Erlau even wears 
tefillin for morning davening on Chol Moed openly, b'farhesia , in 
Yerushalyim  at their Bais Medrash, as per their ancestral minhog (as 
is done in a number of other congregations in as well, contrary to 
popular belief)."

See the above URL for more.

Someone once asserted categorically to me that "No one puts on 
tefillin in EY during Chol Moed."  Clearly this is not true and I 
quickly pointed this out to him. Indeed,  I have been told that those 
who wear tefillin during Chol Moed should put them on in private if 
they are in EY for Yom Tov. Of course,  it might be even better if 
they sought out a minyan like that of Erlau during Chol Moed where 
they could wear their tefillin openly during davening when in EY for Chol Moed.

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