[Avodah] Archaeologists discover 7, 000-year-old Jerusalem settlement
Micha Berger via Avodah
avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Feb 18 14:36:09 PST 2016
: On 2/18/2016 4:50 PM, Marty Bluke via Areivim wrote:
: >http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Culture/Archaeologists-discover-7000-year-old-Jerusalem-settlement-from-Chalcolithic-period-445206
Or <j.mp/1QMwhlv>.
On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 08:13:19PM +0200, Lisa Liel via Areivim wrote:
: Since the Chalcolithic was the time of Avraham Avinu, this could be
: associated with Malkitzedek.
To save someone else the effort of Googling. "Chalcolithic" comes from
the Greek words khalkos + lithos = copper + stone. It refers to the
period after people only made tools from stone but did yet know that by
adding tin to the copper, a much harder metal, bronze, could be made. It
is counted as early Bronze age, not Stone Age.
According to Bereishis 4:22, Tuval-Qayin "loteish kol choreish nechoshes
uvarzel". Either the person who launched the Chalcolithic era, thus the
father of all metal workers, or the one who ivented Bronze, the one who
launed working with nechoshes with another metal as a unit. (Tin is iron
colored, no?)
According to the Seder Olam, Avraham was born in 1948, just under 3,000
years ago. That's a 4,000 year difference, no? How would you explain a
75% error in their dating methodology?
We also recovered a few bones of sheep/goat and possibly cattle,
she said. These will be analyzed further in the IAA [Antiquities
Authority] laboratories, permitting us to recreate the dietary
habits of the people who lived here 7,000 years ago, and enhancing
our understanding of the settlements economy.
How did they date the finding anyway? Carbon dating these bones? Or is
there some way to assign a date to flint, basalt and pottery, other than
the circular reasoining of "we know tools and building of this style
date to X, so this must too..."
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger Rescue me from the desire to win every
micha at aishdas.org argument and to always be right.
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