[Avodah] prosbul question

Allan Engel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Sep 17 15:18:00 PDT 2015

A summary of Pruzbul I have in front of me (written by Rabbi D Tugendhaft,
London) says:

"...this even includes things such as food lent to a neighbour because
anything which is lent out and another item is returned in its place is
considered a halva'ah (a loan)"

On 16 September 2015 at 23:07, Zev Sero via Avodah <avodah at lists.aishdas.org
> wrote:

> On 09/16/2015 05:41 PM, Lisa Liel via Avodah wrote:
>> A friend of mine posted this question on Facebook:
>> Having failed to make a prozbul, I just spent some time looking
>>> around at books and online. I see no discussion whatsoever on
>>> whether the concept of shemittat kesafim applies to in-kind loans,
>>> e.g. books I've loaned out. Does anyone know of a source that
>>> addresses whether the shmittah year cancels an obligation to return
>>> a loaned sefer, kli, whatever?
> I have no answer for her.  Does anyone here?
> Shemita applies only to halva'ah, not to she'elah.  English uses the
> same word, but they are very different transactions.   It's actually
> strange that English, which is usually the most precise language, does
> not distinguish them.
> A book is a she'elah; the book remains her property, and she expects
> the borrower to return it.  Thus it is not at all affected by shemita.
> It is also not subject to the prohibition on ribbis; not only is there
> absolutely nothing wrong with charging people to borrow your stuff,
> the Torah explicitly endorses it as one of the four forms of shemirah.
> --
> Zev Sero               GChT
> zev at sero.name
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