[Avodah] sources for not covering hair

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Aug 4 11:10:14 PDT 2015

At 01:51 PM 8/4/2015, Noam Stadlan wrote:
>If the women in the general society do not cover their hair, then uncovered
>hair is not immodest, and therefore routine hair covering is not mandated.

Is it really true that what women in the general society do is some
standard for tznius for Jewish women. If so, then the practices of
"well undressed" gentile women (as R. A Miller used to call them) of
today have eliminated all tznius standards. One sees women in public
today dressed in almost nothing.

[Email #2]

At 01:51 PM 8/4/2015, Noam Stadlan wrote:
>Obviously, not covering hair in public for women was at least somewhat

Just because something is or was commonly done does not make is correct
according to halacha.

Many, many people talk loshon hara, yet it is not proper according
to halacha.

[Email #3]

Please see Covering the Hair by Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer


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