[Avodah] Rav Elchanan Wasserman & Why People Sin

via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Jun 2 16:04:02 PDT 2015


From: Eli Turkel via Avodah  <avodah at lists.aishdas.org>

>>  I have a book "The  Goldilocks Enigma" by Paul Davies (cosmolgist) on 
why is
the universe just  right for life. Most of the book is to show how unlikely
it is that the  universe has exactly the right properties for existence.
The second part is a  discussion as to why this happened. He goes through
all the theories  including the watchmaker etc. One possibility is a
"creator" . He admits that  it is logically consistent but finds it highly
unlikely. His own preference  is for the multi-verse.

The idea is not whether you agree with him or  not. Rather here is an
intelligent human who has thought deeply about these  problems and does not
see any obvious signs of a designer.....  <<
Eli Turkel

On the contrary, he sees many signs of a Designer and he is so  desperate 
to avoid the obvious conclusion -- because of his own prior  philosophical 
biases -- that he adopts the currently trendy and absurd idea of  "many 
universes" to escape from what he does not want to face.  
You see, if this is the only universe then it is so fantastically  
improbable that it can only be a miracle.  But if it is only one of many  universes, 
then it is not so strange that just one out of millions  of universes would 
happen to have the conditions necessary for life.
Normally the definition of "science" includes things like capable of  
observation or experiment, falsifiable, etc.  But if you are desperate  enough to 
escape G-d (and His moral demands) you will take something as  airy-fairy, 
non-observable, not subject to any possible experiment,  non-falsifiable as 
a "multi-verse" -- a product of the human mind that is as  real as 
leprechauns --  and you will crown it with the noble name of  "science"!
I have a wonderful book in my house called *The Privileged Planet* that  
should be a science textbook in every yeshiva high school and Bais  Yakov.   
Please please read it. It's by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay  Richards.
Here's the website with more information about the book and a video:

--Toby Katz
t613k at aol.com


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