[Avodah] MB vs AH

Marty Bluke via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun May 31 01:08:07 PDT 2015

R' Eli Turkel wrote:
"Indeed in Europe before WWII the MB was not the "final" arbiter of
halacha. Much changed when CI wrote in a letter that the MB has the halacha
of a sanhedrin and one can't disagree with its conclusions."

I believe it happened even a little later then that. RHS who grew up in the
1950s stated many times in shiur that when he learned halacha in the 1950s
no one learned Mishna Berura, people either learned Chayei Adam or they
learned Shulchan Aruch with Magen Avraham and the Taz. If you look at the
European gedolim who came to America like R' Moshe, R' Ruderman, etc. even
after WWII they almost never quoted the Mishna Berura.

>From what I understand R' Aharon Kotler was very influential in America in
promoting learning Mishna Berura.
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