[Avodah] Zilzul Shabbos

Arie Folger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu May 21 05:09:57 PDT 2015

RMB wrote:
> Yes, that explains why it's nothing clearer cut than zilzul Shabbos.
> AIUI, worrying about zilzul means that the mechanism is mutar, but
> the goal is one that cheapens Shabbos, removes some of the feeling
> of its qedushah.
> Like taking the pre-existing concept of eiruv as a way to have a
> reshus that was no included in Shelomo ubeis dino's original issur
> hotza'ah  and stretching it to a much bigger area than ever before,
> so that most people never have reason to leave it most weeks. So
> that the entire issur goes from being one of the dominant features
> of Shabbos (judging just in blatt of discussion) to barely ever
> experienced.

RAW actually deals with this explicitly by citing IIRC Rambam on why Chazal
legislated mutze. We are not all farmers or builders, not even cooks and
bakers. Hence, many of us hardly ever come close to deoraitot of Shabbat.
However, Shabbaton requires shevita hanikeret,so Chazal legislated muktze
to create a shevita hanikeret. Says RAW, even if he is wrong on electricity
being a deoraita (but he doesn't think he is wrong), nonetheless, the
consensus of poskim on elecricity makes it into something akin to muktze.

That never happened regarding gefillte fish [which outside Hungary hardly
anyone ever ate except on Yom Tov, since what passes for gefillte fish is
just the filling. <ducking and running>]. No one ever suggested it is
chillul Shabbos to eat gevldige Sushi. At worst, some puerile yeshive
boocher called it goiyishe maakhoolim.

Arie Folger,
Recent blog posts on http://ariefolger.wordpress.com/
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