[Avodah] explanation

Kenneth Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon May 11 19:20:37 PDT 2015

R' Zev Sero wrote:

<<< The dignity of a king, and especially of The King, demands that all who serve Him be perfect in all respects.   People with physical imperfections may be wonderful in many ways, but they are just that, imperfect. >>>

"... in all respects."

Really? Where will you find such a person? No, that's an impossible task.

For practicality's sake, He cannot and does not demand that all who serve Him be perfect in ALL respects. So instead, there is a set of criteria, and a set of shiurim by which to determine if one is *adequately* perfect.

I can't imagine that anyone would disagree with what I wrote thus far. But then we'll go the next step, and study what sorts of things are on that list of criteria. For example, if one is a Mechalel Shabbos, or a murderer, he is disqualified from Birkas Kohanim, so I'd bet that he's disqualified from the avodah too.

But those aren't the sort of mumim that the previous poster's Shabbos guests were asking about. They were asking about physical abnormalities. I hope it is okay if I rephrase their question to something like this: It is reasonable for The King to insist on a certain degree of moral perfection, but why is physical perfection relevant? Or to phrase it more bluntly, the kohanim should not be judged by the shape of their nose, but by the content of their character.

(Of course, we are not disputing the halacha. The question is WHY the Torah considers physical abnormalities to be disqualifications.)

Akiva Miller

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