[Avodah] The Legacy of RSRH, Zt'L

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Apr 28 09:44:53 PDT 2015

At 12:24 PM 4/28/2015,  R. Ben Waxman wrote:

>Meaning - was the demand that the religious not work with the
>secular the issue or was that a cover story used to mask people's
>opposition to Zionism?

This was an issue, and there was also opposition to Zionism.   The 
opposition to Zionism was not masked at all.

Please read 
http://web.stevens.edu/golem/llevine/rsrh/zion_or_zionism.pdf  to see 
what Zionism really is according to  Rav Schwab, ZT"L and others who 
think like him.

>Or in this case, is the demand that the creation
>of the state be a Kiddush HaShem in the eyes of all rabbanim a real
>demand or is it simply a cover?

I have never heard of "the demand that the creation
of the state be a Kiddush HaShem in the eyes of all rabbanim "  Who 
demanded this?

>  If the Breuer community want the state
>to reflect certain values, than please, make it happen.

And how do you propose that they do this?

I asked you in an earlier email what the Orthodox Jews in EY and you 
in particular are doing to make this happen,  and I received no response.

>  If they don't
>want to make it happen or aren't willing, than the demand is (at best)
>an exercise in dissimulation.

Do you really believe that the Breuer's community at the time when 
Rav Breuer and Rav Schwab has the wherewithal to make the State 
reflect certain values?  Even those living in EY at this time could 
not do this.

There was (and still is) a large non-religious contingent of Jews 
living in EY.  Do you really think that anyone can "make" them change 
their views or their behavior?


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