[Avodah] Davening Outdoors

Harry Weiss via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Tue Apr 14 10:00:06 PDT 2015

>  From http://www.dinonline.org/2012/07/11/davening-outdoors/
>> Is it problematic to daven outdoors?
>> The Gemara (Berachos 34b) writes that it is wrong
>> (arrogant - chatzuf) to daven in an open field.

>> Rashi explains that in an open field, one doesn't
>> feel fear of the King, and one doesn't pray with
>> a broken heart. Tosafos, however, understands
>> that the concern is for passers-by, who are
>> liable to disturb a person's davening.

>> The Magen Avraham (90:6) rules that the problem
>> is that davening outside makes a haughty
>> statement...
>> Therefore, although it is not forbidden to daven
>> outdoors, it is wrong to daven in an open area,
>> and one should seek a sheltered place.

As you see from the above it is the Lechatichilla not do daven in an
open place, Last week we had a mincha minyan at the grand canyon, (to
wait to a more appropriate place it would have been well after dark)
When one davens in a large minyan and is surrounded by other people
davening it is easier to concentrate on the tefilla.

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