[Avodah] Sim Sholom at a shiva house

Kenneth Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Apr 6 05:13:44 PDT 2015

R' Zev Sero asked:

> Nusach Ashkenaz says Sim Sholom only after birchas cohanim (and in
> EY after kriyas hatorah), and Sholom Rov at other times. Does this
> mean that at a shiva house Sholom Rov is said even in shacharis
> (in EY on a non-Mon/Thu)?

No, but I don't know why.

I never thought of that question before, but here is a possibly-related question that I've wondered for years: If Shir Hamaalos is said whenever we skip Tachanun, should it always be said at the shiva house?

Akiva Miller

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