[Avodah] Right/Wrong

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Jun 5 14:41:56 PDT 2015

On 06/05/2015 11:16 AM, Kenneth Miller via Avodah wrote:
>> >Eruvin (13b): For two and a half years Beith Shammai and
>> >Beith Hillel argued. These [Beith Shammai] said "It is
>> >better for man not to have been created than to have been
>> >created." And those [Beith Hillel] said "It is better for
>> >man to have been created."

> There is a thought in this thread that if G-d does something, then it
> is good by definition. Yet Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai considered the
> possibility that G-d had another option which was even better than the
> option that He did choose.

The discussion was not about what is good or right, but about what is
better *for a person*.  What is in the person's interest. "Noach lo le'adam".
What G-d chooses for a person is right, but who says it's "noach lo"?

Zev Sero               I have a right to stand on my own defence, if you
zev at sero.name          intend to commit felony...if a robber meets me in
                        the street and commands me to surrender my purse,
                        I have a right to kill him without asking questions
                                               -- John Adams

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