[Avodah] Briskers not wearing Tzitzis outside on shabbos

Harry Maryles via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Apr 22 13:46:08 PDT 2015

On Wednesday, April 22, 2015 3:33 PM, Joel Schnur wrote:
> My understanding is that Briskers don't wear a talis katan outside the
> house on shabbos because the shiur is "ad habirchaim" according to the
> Gaon as brought in Keser Rosh by talmidei Reb Chaim Voloshiner....
> Interestingly, Rav Moshe Shternbuch brings a Rav Moshe that says that
> the source is unreliable and the Gaon never said such a thing.

The reason that Briskers don't where Tzitzes on Shabbos is because they
are Choshesh for the Shita of the Baal HaMeor who says that Techiels is
Me'akev the Lavan.

As such -- by wearing these now unnecessary 'strings' in Reshus Harabim
they will be Oveir the Lav of Hotza'ah on Shabbos, an Issur D'Oraisa
and a capital offense.

Inetrestingly, accroding to the Baal HaMeor, wearing a Beged of Daled
Kanfos using Tzitzs without Techiles is a violation -- same as if he
were wearing it without Tzitzis at all.

I'm told that the Gra did not wear a woolen Beged for his Talis Katan
for that reason. Because wool has a Chiuv D'Oraisa for Tzitzs whereas
cotton is only D'Rabbanan.


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