[Avodah] hidur

Zev Sero via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Apr 20 17:24:32 PDT 2015

On 04/20/2015 08:21 PM, Micha Berger wrote:
> So, both get the mitzvah of esrog with a hadar esrog. But I asked about
> fulling tzedaqah. How does a matanah al menas lehachzir qualify? And
> for someone used to having their own esrog, how is it "dei machsero"?

At a time when an esrog was a luxury that most people could not afford
and were not used to, how often would such a case come up?

Zev Sero               I have a right to stand on my own defence, if you
zev at sero.name          intend to commit felony...if a robber meets me in
                        the street and commands me to surrender my purse,
                        I have a right to kill him without asking questions
                                               -- John Adams

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