[Avodah] tefillas haderech

Kenneth Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Sun Apr 12 08:55:59 PDT 2015

R' Eli Turkel asked:

> Just saw a halacha that to me was a chiddush
> That one cannot (or should not) be yotzeh someone else for
> tefiilat haderech but everyone should say for them self.
> Those agreeing (at least lechatchila) include
> R Aviner
> R Nebenzahl
> R C Kanevsky
> R Tuvia Goldstein (who said he convinced RMF)
> R Belsky
> Not what I have seen in practice.
> Anyone know any opinion that does allow it

Chidush to me too. I don't where to begin my comments.

There's a GIGANTIC difference between "cannot" and "should not".

"agreeing (at least lechatchila)" also allows a too-wide variety.

And without some sort of reasoning, how can we throw out what we already know? Is there something special about Tefilas Haderech, or is this merely an example of how we have so little kavana nowadays that being motzi others is just too risky?

I'm sure there are other sources I could quote, but for now, I will simply quote from "Halachically Speaking", vol 1, pg 75, by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits, published by Israel Bookshop.

> One person can say the tefillah for everyone, as long as he has
> everyone in mind and the others concentrate on the words.(20)
> Horav Yisroel Belsky shlita maintains that every individual
> should try to say tefillas haderech if he can.(21) If this is
> not possible, one person can say it for everyone.(22)

> 20) Kinyan Torah 2:119, Bais Avi 5:55, Opinion of Horav
> Elyashiv shlita quoted in Darchei Ori page 279:2,
> U'velechticha Baderech 2:footnote 26 quoting the opinion of
> Horav Chaim Kanievesky shlita, see Darchei Ori page 259:1. It
> is questionable whether someone who has already said tefilalas
> haderech can repeat it for someone else. (Halichos Shlomo
> Tefilah 21:5:footnote 9).
> 21) See Emes L'Yaakov page 65.
> 22) See Eishel Avraham Butchtach, Rivevos Ephraim 6:32:2,
> Halichos Shlomo Tefilah page 245:5, Divrei Chachamim page
> 76:192.

Akiva Miller

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