[Avodah] Tan Du

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Apr 6 11:42:27 PDT 2015

On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 04:32:11PM +0000, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
: Tradition - Winter 2014 (Rabbi N. Helfgot)
: R. Lichtenstein in both private conversation with a number of talmidim
: over the decades, including this author and in remarks in public shiurim,
: noted his disagreement with the Rav's assessment of this hazaka (and
: expressed astonishment at the vehemence of the Rav's opposition at the
: time) given the clear cut evidence in the Rishonim in Yevamot and other
: places in Shas which clearly indicated that this hazaka was not one that
: applied in all contexts and at all times and in all situations.

The way I heard RAL (recorded) was more that the large amount of material
in Yevamos, much of the rest of seder Nashim, and the rishonim ad loc
that such a proposal would make moot was itself RYBS's primary argument
against R' Rackman's proposal.

And that RAL understood the statement about tav lemeisiv and its
ontological nature as a separate secondary argument RYBS made along
the way.


Micha Berger             Today is the 2nd day
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