[Avodah] 100% Vegetable oils etc.

Kenneth Miller via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Jun 10 18:52:34 PDT 2015

On Areivim, R' Martin Brody wrote:

> If any such ingredient of an ingredient was non-kosher, it would be
> batel b'shishim, (more likely nullified by thousands). For those
> that are interested, the London Beth Din is not concerned with
> "flavourings" as an ingredient for this very reason.

This surprises me. I would think that non-kosher flavorings cannot be batel. Bitul is a mathematical procedure by which we can presume that the non-kosher ingredient is not noticeable. But in the case of flavorings (and colorings and maamads), if its presence were not noticeable, then the manufacturer would not go to the trouble and expense of including it. Therefore (I would think) that its presence proves that it *is* noticable, overriding the presumption.

Rabbi Binyomin Forst's "The Laws of Kashrus" (ArtScroll) says on page 98, "If, however, the mixture was sampled and the non-kosher taste was noticeable, the mixture may not be eaten, even though it was batel b'shishim. (Shach 98:4)"

What other views are there?

Akiva Miller
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