[Avodah] Another Chumera ends up Involving a Kula II

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri May 22 11:16:27 PDT 2015

I came across another one, more inyana deyoma...

According to the AhS (OC 494:3) we used to wait for "laylah mamash"
to make Qiddush the first night of Shavu'os, so that the omer could
be "sheva shabasos temimos".

Presumably this is following the MGA who has us wait until tzeis
for Qiddush, and the AhS's "laylah mamash" means tzeis.

The Taz (494:haqdamah) and the MB (s"q 1) have us waiting for tzeis to
start *Ma'ariv*.

The Qorban Nesanel (on the Rosh, Pesachim 130b) brings the Rosh as
a ra'ayah against the MGA. The Rosh says that even though on Shabbos
*and the other YT-im* we add from the chol to the qodesh and eat before
it gets dark, we do not do so for the seder night. So the QN QN takes
the implication that "she'ar yamim tovim" includes Shavuos. So the QN
treats Shavuos like Shabbos, and presumably let you daven maariv and
make Qiddush right after pelag.

The QN is machmir in omer, the MGA is machmir in tosefes YT. And each
is being correspondingly meiqil in the other.

I would presume that the silence in the Tur, the BY and the SA about
any waiting means that the Tur, the Mechaber and the Rama hold like
the QN and treat erev Shavuos like erev Shabbos, RH, Sukkos, etc...
(But not Pesach.)


Micha Berger             Today is the 48th day, which is
micha at aishdas.org        6 weeks and 6 days in/toward the omer.
http://www.aishdas.org   Yesod sheb'Malchus: What binds different
Fax: (270) 514-1507             people together into one cohesive whole?

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