[Avodah] Ways to find non-meat or non-milk - The BP Project

Rabbi Meir G. Rabi, its Kosher! via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu May 21 20:02:42 PDT 2015

I am happy to engage in discussion regarding the Halachos of BP, with
anyone who is interested.
For the time being such discussions must be and remain private

I can confirm that I have been in contact with R Chaim Kanievsky about this
for some years now and that he supports the Lomdus and proofs that I have


Rabbi Meir G. Rabi

*Its Kosher* <http://www.kosherveyosher.com> and *Exodus Matza

*it's kosher Authority Pty Ltd    **ABN: *77 160 144 374

rabbi at itskosher.com.au     +61 0423 207 837
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