[Avodah] Another Chumera ends up Involving a Kula

Micha Berger via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu May 21 08:36:00 PDT 2015

In OC 196:1, the Rama mentions the minhag of blowing 30 qolos at the
end of RH mussaf. "Ule'achar sheyatze'u bazeh, shuv ein litqua od

(Although a qatan, even higia lechinuch, may.)

So, if in your shul, people stay late to hear other varations of the
qolos -- Rashi, Brisker, shevarim-ter'uah beneshimah achas or 2 neshimos,
etc... -- they are actually being meiqil as well.

As for being yotzei... Mitzvas shofar only requires tashra"t, tasha"t
OR tara"t, 3 times. A point the AhS makes besheim the Rash besheim R'
Hai Gaon (Shilhei RH), "delav sefeiqos gemuros hein", that Rav Avahu
was mesaqein in order for everyone to do the same thing, not because
otherwise you're not yotzei shemie'as qol shofar. The AhS criptically
adds, "(ulevad zeh yeish bazeh inyan gadol)." So the question is whether
you have to blow in numerous ways few other people use in order to fulfil
a taqanah created to create uniformity of practice.

But enough of the tirade, and back to the point: Being machmir in hilkhos
shofar this way involves a qulah in hilkhos yom tov.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Today is the 47th day, which is
micha at aishdas.org        6 weeks and 5 days in/toward the omer.
http://www.aishdas.org   Hod sheb'Malchus: What is glorious about
Fax: (270) 514-1507               unity-how does it draw out one's soul?

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