[Avodah] Beautiful Vort

Cantor Wolberg via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Fri Apr 24 08:42:36 PDT 2015

I recently came upon the following, listening to a hesped for Rabbi Mordechai Fachler zt”l,
who was niftár in November 2010.  The hesped (one of many for Rav Fachler) was 
delivered by Rabbi Moshe Shirkin of England. This is just one part that caught my attention
and was very touching.

In previous generations the g’dolei Yisroel were discussing what’s the function of a Rav?

The Rosh Yeshiva in Grodna (at the time) said the task of the Rav is to give shiurim.

The Rav of Kovna, poisek oilam, said the task of the Rav

is to pasken shailas.

They came to Reb Chayim of Brisk and asked

him what is the task of the Rav. 

His impressive response was:

To give shiurim, you have a Rosh Yeshiva.

To pasken shailas, you have a dayan.

The task of the Rav is to do chesed with his oilam.

A clergyman comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.
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