[Avodah] hidur

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Mon Apr 20 11:46:52 PDT 2015

<<It's like if one is forced to choose between an esrog which is definitely
kosher but only barely so, vs. one which is beautiful but *might* be pasul.
To me, it's a no-brainer that one would choose the barely kosher one.) >> -
changed topic from tefillat hadrech

There is a famois R Chaim that if one can use both etgrogim then one should
first use the beautiful but *might* be pasul since if one uses  the
minimally kosher one then one has accomplished the mitzvah and there is no
reason to choose a second one.
I have seen some that disagree with R Chaim claiming that it is possible to
take a better etrog for hidur even after having minimally done the motzvah.
This has applications mehadrin of chanukah

Eli Turkel
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