[Avodah] SF - Focus on the Good

Prof. Levine via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Thu Apr 16 22:30:18 PDT 2015


Focus on the Good

In ancient days if a person spoke loshon horah he contracted 
tza'aras. The message was that just as he exposed the flaws of a 
person, so too, his flaws were exposed. His rectification was to go 
into isolation and introspect on his own shortcomings.

Lesson: If we focus on the faults of others, we are held responsible 
to correct our own faults. If we focus of the good of others, HaShem 
will mercifully overlook our flaws and  focus exclusively on our good.

App: Avoid saying all unbecoming comments about others.

(Based on the writings of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter)

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