[Avodah] 13th century zeal

Eli Turkel via Avodah avodah at lists.aishdas.org
Wed Apr 1 03:47:45 PDT 2015

I found the following story from R Kaganoff interesting not only for the
halachic portion but also to show that community fights are not new

The question regarding recital of *mei'ein sheva* when *Yom Tov*
falls on Friday resulted in a very heated dispute during the era of the
Rishonim. In the time of the *Rivash*, Rabbi Amram ben Meroam, a
frequent correspondent of the *Rivash*, wrote him the following *shaylah*:

Reuven was the *chazzan* for the Friday night *davening *on a *Shabbos* that
immediately followed *Yom Tov*. He began reciting *mei'ein sheva*, when
Shimon reprimanded him, contending that one should not recite this *bracha*
when *Shabbos* follows *Yom Tov* -- since no one was working on Friday,
the reason for the *takkanah* did not apply. Levi then got involved, saying
that it is accepted that one *does* recite *mei'ein sheva*on Friday night
following a *Yom Tov*. The *shul* then burst into a cacophony of voices,
with Shimon's and Reuven's backers screaming at one another. Finally,
Shimon shouted that Reuven was desecrating*Hashem's *holy Name, since he
was willing to recite a *bracha* in vain, and that if he did, Shimon would
declare him to be in *cherem*, excommunicated! Reuven did recite the *bracha
mei'ein sheva,* and a day later, opened his door to find Shimon and twenty
of his backers there to notify him that he had been excommunicated! The
Rivash* was asked to rule whether Reuven was indeed in *cherem* because of
Shimon's declaration that he recited a *bracha* in vain, or, perhaps,
Shimon should be placed in *cherem* for excommunicating someone without
proper cause.

The *Rivash* ruled that Shimon was mistaken, and that one should recite
sheva* when *Shabbos* follows *Yom Tov*. Therefore, he concluded that
Reuven, who followed the correct *halachah*, could completely ignore the
*cherem* placed on him. However, he also concluded that since Shimon
thought he was acting correctly, we do not excommunicate Shimon for his
actions (*Shut HaRivash* #34).

Eli Turkel
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