[Avodah] Hasagat Gevul of a bus company

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Jan 9 10:22:13 PST 2013

On 9/01/2013 1:33 AM, Daniel M. Israel wrote:
>   Do we consider a store that gives too much change to be an issue of
> aveidah or g'neivah?

Aveidah, of course.  How can it be geneivah?  They gave it to you.

On 9/01/2013 1:33 AM, Daniel M. Israel wrote:
> But, in any case, I don't see what this case has to do with the case of
> the CC. In that case the post office didn't provide any service at all,
> and there was no obligation to use their service. If I walk home, do I
> have to send the bus company a fare? If my wife bakes her own challah,
> should I pay the baker? I don't even see how this is warranted even
> lifinim mishuris hadin.

The Post Office has a legal monopoly on the delivery of letters.
Thus technically when you deliver a letter for someone you're infringing
that monopoly. I assume the CC was concerned about this, because of DdMD,
but at the same time would rather entrust his mail to someone he knew,
so he reconciled it by tearing up a stamp, so the Post Office wouldn't
be harmed by the infringement, and therefore it would no longer be their
business what he did.

Zev Sero
zev at sero.name

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