[Avodah] physics and Og

Lisa Liel lisa at starways.net
Thu Sep 27 05:15:37 PDT 2012

On 9/27/2012 6:53 AM, Marty Bluke wrote:
> R'n Lisa Liel wrote:
> <It's midrash. Moshe wasn't 18 feet tall. He didn't jump 18 feet in 
> the air with an 18 foot spear. Taking midrashim literally like that 
> robs them of their real meaning(s).
> You may not take them literally but many do, in fact the Mishna Berura 
> takes the story of Og picking up a mountain to throw on Bnei Yisrael 
> as completely literal (see Mishna Berura 218,1).

I disagree.  He takes literally that Og was enormous, yes.  That Og 
tried to throw a huge boulder, yes.  But that it was a mountain, or all 
of the 10 amot stuff?  He doesn't say anything to indicate that he takes 
that literally.


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