[Avodah] If you have an electronic water meter, can you turn on your faucet on Shabbos?

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Aug 1 09:43:42 PDT 2012

On 1/08/2012 9:59 AM, Lisa Liel wrote:
>> And I would be happier if when I cut off the chicken's head it wouldn't
>> die, but it will.

> Would you really?  I think not.  You want the chicken to be dead.

Why? All you need is the head; what do you care what happens to the rest
of it?

On 1/08/2012 9:59 AM, Lisa Liel wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken, when we entered Kenaan, Yehoshua made us accept
> certain rules. One of them was that water was no one's property. So I'm
> not sure that paying for water is anything but an undesirable necessity.

I don't know how water supply works in Israel, but in most places one
doesn't really pay for water but for the service of bringing it to
ones home. Yehoshua set the Giv`onim to be water-drawers, but I've
never seen it claimed that he made them work for free! Throughout the
pre-modern-plumbing world, water-drawers were paid, and the modern water
company is just a fancy Giv`oni.

Nevertheless, I would rather not have to pay, so keeping the Giv`oni's
accounts for him is "lo nicha li".

Zev Sero
zev at sero.name

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